A huge complicated spot of light watching over the Earth, nourishing it with the heat, rays and beams of electromagnetic radiation.
Clouds are illuminated by the sun which despite of all the light, we cannot see entirely what is happening.
Funny how nature works in secret from the rest of the universe.
I notice at that moment what my life looks like from the eyes of the world. I have, or had a plan, on what to do when I would come to the point of living life to the full.
And that does not mean partying all time, with a lustful being, drinking and smoking till I cant see straight or till I cough up blood.
No that is not a life by my standards.
It's that time when you have to choose a path that will lead you to what earns you money to sustain your way of life.
The time when you have to pay and work hard to maintain that life.
The time when you live under your roof and not someone's else.
My dream was to fly, but I know now that it's very difficult to achieve, that is why they call it a dream job.
My second was to be a soldier, but having to change yourself to make a whole army look alike just to be efficient for killing another just is not me. Besides being under the control of a government is against my views.
So up till now I am dreamless, and hopeless. Many might see me as a pessimist, but they surely do not see me for who I am therefore they do not know me. I just see life how it is and accept it for what it is. Life is a fucker, there is no heaven, there is no hell. It is just this one life to make the most out of.
I hoped for a sign of truth in this, and that is when the sunsetted. A sign of nature. Now it is the moons turn to watch over us...Semper Fidelis!
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I shalt be loyal follower ^^
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