Thursday, December 31, 2009

..the idea of what is.

Lost from the beginning, there was no hope.
Why was the mind so sure on what was unobtainable?

Clouded judgment of what is, what is to be.
A void action turned to misunderstanding...backfires.

One can only hope to learn from such stupid mistakes.
Shattered as I am, I will not give in to the blinding light ahead.

Sincerely, is it worth it?

star Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, November 29, 2009

..the escape.

Appalled by the world around him, he could not look into other peoples eyes.
Screamed when he came in contact with the sinners.
But she was his only comfort.
Head between his arms, she cuddled closer & laid her head on his neck.
And for the first in a very long time..he felt safe, warm & loved.

Bubbles Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, October 26, 2009

..a new religion.

For what we say,
Before we pay,
What must we do?
Else what for who?

Around Around goes the wheel,
Always working but not keel,
Crank is the force oh what sight!
To teeth and bone work thy might.

Help and be helped tis not true,
In lonely state 'll see it too,
For the bonding creature fails,
One after one not does bails.

Slavery Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

..the space that is You.

What is your purpose here?
Why are you looking at this screen?
Is there something you are looking for?
Something you need?
Something you lack?

Maybe so, maybe not.
However, first of all, do you know who you are?
You once were given a name for yourself.
Do you live truly to that name?
Do you even know its meaning?
Some are given nicknames based on what they do or come from.

We are all just a number, xxxxy given to us @ birth.
Identity is no longer sought or even looked after.
Honour is lost, dignity is being questioned constantly.
Loyalty has no meaning.

Do you fight for something?
Do you mean something?
A picture may be used as a reference to you.
If you are cloaked, would those that recognize you still see you as you?
I say you are just another figure going to its destination..if you even got one.

You have to earn your place, fight for it and respect it.
Since after all, we are all replaceable.

space Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, August 29, 2009

..sound the vocal chords!

The Sun has risen,
The air has gotten lighter,
Tis another day given,
He is everything but a fighter.

Another day,
Another way,
To pass the time,
Since the first chime.

Through the window now,
Not all light can be described,
Behold the weapon against thou,
The mind even though it can be bribed.

What he sees he observes,
What he observes he records,
What he records he thinks,
What he thinks, he knows.

Mind Blown Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

..the outline of the concrete.

The tears of the man, be the tears of us all.
To see what done be can, always look to what be the fall.

There is an allegiance in all of us, to whom to what be it?
Lead your way to what grants you thus, the peace and serenity of living free of cuss.

The soldier fights for the king he never met, the priest answers to a god of mind.
The servant works under a golden hat, the worker is loyal to what he can find.

Buried in the warmth of our hearts, lies a demon an angel alike.
It is all in the way you play your cards, in which you set to fire your darts.

An aim in life a target presents, but its not the destination its the path you take.
Which brings brings any animal to its defense, even though it might be all in fake.

Breathe with me this air of earth, this powerful force of sturdiness.
So we can all together berth, in peace and love to provide happiness.

shadow Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

..the eerie.

Man is an intelligent creature.
The mind is the ultimate machine.
Voice is the sensitive sound of humans.

Language is the complicated gathering of similar sounds that are comprehend-able to humans.
One different sound in a language can be noted as an accent.

What the eye sees, the mind knows to be.
What the body feels, the heart suffers the most.

All in all a star does not blink just like a human never stops thinking.
Better yet it might just be better to not think at all.

mind Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

..hiding the darkness with light.

Plucking the first string.
Sitting in a second Eden.
Flowers blooming around.
River flowing to the end.
Life all around.

Mesmerize me a third time.
Sing for me a fourth time.
Eyes of crystal penetrating my soul.
Makes me want to stay ground-low.

The fifth of the acts.
The poem of all the knights.
The sixth sensation of things to come.
All in all but tis not the one.

Pebbles fight the stones.
Seventh element hardest of all.
Time goes by, it is the eighth of the night.
Darkness all around, the ninth star I count.
And the tenth Moon I see tonight.

Forest Night Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, April 19, 2009

..the fiery handcuffs.

You are safe.
Oh yes you are safe.
You are protected.
You are protected by a system.
A system that also controls you.
A puppet force of the same system watches over you, also known as the police.

Liberty and freedom do not mean the same thing.
And by freedom I mean political freedom.

Oh yes you are safe.
Especially when you can bribe any ''law-abiding'' official to make sure you win every time, and this the rich and the powerful do.
Respect is what you may call it.
But another principle I see more important in life, honour.

Honour gains respect by following the code the person chooses to follow, not change them whenever something comes up and he has to act to change his fate.
Meanwhile the lower classes are the blind followers and fans of those up there.
Up there does not mean heaven, there is no heaven in a world full of corruption.

You wonder why there is so much bad in this world, oh well just look up!
Many promise to give and share what they gain, but so far I never saw anyone hold on to this.
You might say there is also good in this world, well its good that you are so optimistic as to ignore the bad but we are all humans and bad is what we do.

Id quod nos unit, est id quod nos separet.

Handcuffs Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, April 6, 2009

..and they call this center, Hunab Ku!

Symbolism in front of us, symbolism all around us.
Did you ever stop and think why thinks seem kind of strangely familiar the way are projected as an image into your brain?

It might never occur to you that the burning cigarette lying on the floor represents your life, as you burn yourself with how you choose to live.
Or how the clouded rays of the sun might represent a message that is trying to arrive your way, but some medium just will not allow it.
When you break everything down, you realise how life is more complicated than a job, money and love.

Many-a-times did man try to decrypt his own life and outcome via supernatural mediums like fortune tellers or tarot cards.
The few moments of doing so jeopardizes the on-going string of life known as destiny.

I do not follow religions, but if I do, surely it would not be a monotheistic one.
Out of all available, Buddhism makes the most appealing call of all...a pure way to find peace in nature among the surroundings.

One's actions in this world affects the others around him and his own image.
One must think and try to foresee the possible outcomes, before initiating in any grave decisions.
The spirit, soul and the body are for one, all not.

The main interest should be self-preservation as a race, but the stupidity of such a race will be the death of its own.
Corrupted, bribed, crime-loving, lying, betraying to each other.
Human is the name of the disease.

Pondera orbis , solvo vestri phasmatis , servo vestri.
Hunab Ku Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, March 13, 2009

..the great flaming sky.

The flame, a simple energy of a burning cloud of gas, emitting out its rays of light.
A very good heat source, the best in mother nature.
The presence of a flame can be sensed from a distance, man looks for the source anytime he feels the need for it.
Man also learned to evade it when he have had enough of it especially when it is present in abundance.
So man does have a limit, man does know when it is too much, cause he knows too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

The Sun, the oldest form of such an energy known to man before he found out he can create fire from sticks and stones.
The great flame in the sky.
Why does man take it for granted?
Why does man shadow himself from its powerful energy?
Shallow is the person that does not appreciate the sun for what it truly is, a guardian of all living things.

A certain flower helianthus annuus or the 'sunflower', is called so not only because of its majestic appearance, but because it follows the sun through the day, facing East at sunrise and West at sundown.
One must admire the fact how nature handles itself.
If only man had not polluted the world, the Garden of Eden would not have become near extinction.

The only god one can see, lights it up for man everyday.
It's the light inside that one must light for himself.

Videlicet caeli , planto a semita pro lux lucis vitae.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

..when you feel like nothing can help you.

You often hear 'To live your life, you have to let go of the past' but have you ever asked yourself 'How can you forget a past, that made you'.
Many just cannot accept themselves for who they are.
If one wonders whether the small and simple things he did last year, last month, last day, or the last minute, would have let him to be who he is at the moment.

Pursuing something hoping for being happy, can be simplified to the pursuit of happiness.
Simplified, but it is not simple.
Hence the word "pursuit" before "happiness".
All the actions done in the past have been made with intention to get better than one is at that moment, otherwise the action would not have been made.
A single fault in a chain will cause a chain link to collapse.
Same thing happens to a man.
A weak moment comes along, falls for it and is never able to get back on his feet.

These Sisyphean moments can show you who you are and what you are weak for.
Do not ignore them.
Observe them.
Learn to evade and counter these weaknesses.
Fight fire with fire, because 'Heaven is a Lie'.

Quod fides infidelis servo vos perperam verus.

Arms Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, February 8, 2009

..and I was left to burn, forever!

Does not man strive to be in the most perfect way possible?
That is all he ever did!
The wish to become something more superior than his nature.
That is why he invented all the gods in past years.
Man created god in his image as the perfect thing he can become.
However, somewhere along the years, the purpose of the gods was lost and they became something man hopes to save him from the greatest fear in life; death.
The one thing that gives man hope is eternal life, which he hopes to achieve in another world after death so he should not fear it.
I do not believe in life after death.
I will embrace death when the time comes.
Yes I do believe in destiny.
It comes the way you hope for it, but not in the same way.
A favourite lyric of mine is:

"A veil of ignorance is in motion
Continuing throughout multiple generations
Let me be the one that deliver you from the deceit
And back into perfect accordance with the laws of nature".

It means that religion controls man nowadays, he is a slave of something which he created.
And in the end, that is how man sees himself, a slave.
You can see this in books, movies, poetry.
Man is weak, and he knows it.
Only the future and most recent generations fail to see this fact.
The light might be shed on the matter, but it is you who has to seek and understand its meaning.
..forever, I shall burn for this!

Exuro in abyssus

hell Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, January 11, 2009

..sunset in a flash.

One day, sitting and looking at the world outside from the roof of a house I know as my home, I find myself looking briefly at how the path of a sun would be.
A huge complicated spot of light watching over the Earth, nourishing it with the heat, rays and beams of electromagnetic radiation.
Clouds are illuminated by the sun which despite of all the light, we cannot see entirely what is happening.
Funny how nature works in secret from the rest of the universe.

I notice at that moment what my life looks like from the eyes of the world. I have, or had a plan, on what to do when I would come to the point of living life to the full.
And that does not mean partying all time, with a lustful being, drinking and smoking till I cant see straight or till I cough up blood.
No that is not a life by my standards.
It's that time when you have to choose a path that will lead you to what earns you money to sustain your way of life.
The time when you have to pay and work hard to maintain that life.
The time when you live under your roof and not someone's else.

My dream was to fly, but I know now that it's very difficult to achieve, that is why they call it a dream job.
My second was to be a soldier, but having to change yourself to make a whole army look alike just to be efficient for killing another just is not me. Besides being under the control of a government is against my views.

So up till now I am dreamless, and hopeless. Many might see me as a pessimist, but they surely do not see me for who I am therefore they do not know me. I just see life how it is and accept it for what it is. Life is a fucker, there is no heaven, there is no hell. It is just this one life to make the most out of.

I hoped for a sign of truth in this, and that is when the sunsetted. A sign of nature. Now it is the moons turn to watch over us...Semper Fidelis!

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